Chapter 39

Who doesn’t enjoy stumbling across a large, unidentifiable, mound of jelly on the beach? Bonus points if you discover it by unknowingly stepping in it! This week we tackle all things globster (interestingly not a glamorous lobster) and examine my favorite blob the St. Augustine Monster.

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Chapter 32

On Chapter 32, we travel to Antarctica in search of the elusive Ningen. First spotted by a Japanese research vessel, this cryptid is large, pale and speaks like a Midwestern 20-something. At least that is what we have surmised from the available evidence and my excellent impersonation skills!

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Chapter 21

On Chapter 21 we travel to the wild and wet Rainforest in search of the elusive Giant Anaconda. This cryptid is arguably the sneakiest of snakes, lurking in the murky waters of the Amazon River waiting to rip your face off. Well, at least that’s what we assume….

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Chapter 19

“No time for losers ’cause we are the Champy-ions, of cryptid podcasts!” That’s right! On Chapter 19, we get a little wet as we go swimming for Champy, the lake monster of Lake Champlain. He can’t help it he’s shy and prefers the low spots of this popular recreational lake. Give the poor cryptozoological creature a break!

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Chapter 16

The Lagarfljót Worm (or Iceland Worm Monster) lives in Lake Lagarfljót, located in sunny Iceland. Don’t worry, this worm has enough humps for all of us and boy does he like to show them off! Especially to tourists and groups of small school children. We don’t know what his face looks like but we assume it looks like a worm. We hope you enjoy this squirmy wormy on Chapter 16! #wormhumps #badparenting

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Chapter 14

This week we head to the Land of Eire to hear about the magnificent Dobhar-chú. No I didn’t just sneeze, it is actually pronounced Do-War Coo. Silly Galic! This creature is half dog, half fish, and half otter and is a real badass. Don’t think about it too hard… #FatherofOtters

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Chapter 2

The Encantado roughly translates to “the enchanted one”. These creatures are often known for having extraordinary musical abilities, love getting it on and attending lavish parties. Now that I think of it, Justin Timberlake may be a dolphin man…

If you would like to hear more about Greg and all his fedora wearing charm swim on over to Chapter 2.

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